
So. What is all this about?


I am a Czech girl, a translator by profession, with passion for travelling, good food and drinks. I am at some point in the never ending process of revealing mysteries of DSLR cameras. I have spent 5 years in the UK, but I was often on the road with my boyfriend. Recently we have moved to Prague and we like it here!


Long story short, it is a collection of pieces of my world. Mostly about travelling, food, photography. Recently I have moved to Prague, so there will be posts about this beautiful city.

I love going to new places or return to places I liked before. On the road I take pictures of what catches my attention. I also enjoy good food and drinks. And I like to write about all of that.


I have liked to express myself in writing and note down observations ever since. Also because I spent quite some time abroad, far from my family and some friends. This way I could connect and “tell” them what I do and what I like. And I hope even other people could be interested as well.


In case you´d like to know the whole story, continue here.



20 Comments Add yours

  1. Sartenada says:


    What the translator does concretely?

    Have a good day!


    1. Hi, what do you mean? A translator translates texts from one language to another, for example a novel from English to German.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sartenada says:


        Yes, I understand it, but more precisely. Some translators translate for TV programs, some instructions, some EU legal texts, some song lyrics, some poems, some manuals etc.

        So, you translate novels. My hat! I am nothing and I have not studied, because I came from a very poor family. This does not prevent it, that my blog is in four languages and none of those languages are my mother tongue. Thank you.

        Stay safe and healthy!


        1. Hi, that was just an example. In fact, I used to do marketing translations. Now I translate more legal texts and documents.

          Wow, 4 second languages, that’s impressive. So what is your native language?

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Sartenada says:

          Finnish. I live in Finland, in the country of Santa and reindeers! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  2. You have a great blog. Would you like to share your story on “What You Blog About”
    what motivated you to start this blog ?


    1. Hi, why not 🙂


      1. Thank you. You may fill out the form to submit your story on this page : http://www.whatyoublogabout.com /contact

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you. I will do so, just I will leave it for now and do it in May only as I am quite busy at the moment.


  3. We look forward to following your blog!

    – Emma & Tom

    Liked by 1 person

  4. fromdreamtoplan says:

    Hi! Happy to have found your blog! I love the layout, the style the content…everything! I’ve read some of your posts and I can’t wait to read more! Looking forward to following you 🙂

    Lisa | http://www.fromdreamtoplan.net/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Glad you like it, I will try to keep up.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Dr Sze Wey Lee says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog!


  6. No problem 🙂 Where have you been? Will we read about it soon?


  7. tinyexpats says:

    Just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! http://tinyexpats.com/2015/01/30/the-versatile-blogger-award/


    1. Wow, thank you very much!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. tinyexpats says:

        you are very welcome 🙂


  8. Ailene Rhea says:

    Hi there – I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award. Love your blog & others should know about it. Check out the details here: http://rheacollections.com/2015/01/28/liebster-award-nominee/


    1. Hi Ailene! First a big thank you, I am very surprised! This blog is only 6 months old and it has been nominated for an award? Can´t believe it. I understand that I should answer your questions and nominate other people, so that´s a plan for the weekend 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ailene Rhea says:

        No probs! I think your blog is great. I know how hard it is to stand out amongst all the more “popular” blogs out there – i struggle myself heheh Over the last few weeks, I’ve come across newer blogs that have some fresh ideas & perspective & people need to know about them – including yours.

        Also, apologies for the delayed response – have been road tripping the last few days & playing catch up as we speak =)

        Liked by 1 person

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